I can’t tell you
    (written by O. Burkard 01.10.2001)

  1. I walk alone the street along
    The time is late the night comes down
    and all I wanna do is stay at this place
  2. I see the stars it shine so bright
    It feel so good the air tonight
    and all I wanna do is enjoy the sky
  3. I don’t know why you come to me
    I don’t know how you want to be
    but, which I can say, is live your life

  4. Ref.:
    I can't tell you where's your way
    I can't tell you what you want to say
    I can't tell you how you should pray
    I can't tell you what you'll take

  5. The life is hard the life is strong
    sometime it’s sad, sometime it’s fun
    but all you wanna do, lay in your hands
  6. this one like red, the other blue
    He’s buy a car and she’s buy shoesv
    Yes, all what they do, is your decide
  7. I don’t know why you come to me
    I don’t know how you want to be
    but, which I can say, is live your life

  8. Ref.:
    I can't tell you where's your way....
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